In an unforgettable encounter, Amy Wieczorek's Mrs. Roosevelt inspires audiences to become the extraordinary individuals they were born to be!
Book a performance of "Brave Little Nell: The Eleanor Roosevelt Story" written by Laurie Strawn or Keynotes of wit & wisdom delivered by Eleanor Roosevelt.
"One of the most powerful performance pieces I have ever seen." - Frank Tobin, Executive Producing Director of The New Phoenix Theatre Company
.... was of service to all those around her from a very young age and then, for all the days of her life.. I greatly admire her strength of character, her wisdom, her compassion , her courage and resilience, her ability to disregard the opinions of others out of a moral obligation to far more important matters. And most of all, I admire her tireless dedication to ensure human rights and dignity for all. - Amy Wieczorek
Performed by Amy Wieczorek, Written by Laurie Strawn and Directed by Randall Stuart.
In this highly acclaimed one woman show, the life story of the remarkable Eleanor Roosevelt unfolds.
Journey with Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, from the shy, frightened, lonely child who suffered immeasurable loss to the courageous, outspoken, Human Rights Activist who forever changed the world.
Q&A with Mrs. Roosevelt immediately follows the performance. (Running time: 40 minutes for the play, 20 minutes for Q&A.)
“In the dictionary, next to the word luminescent, is a picture of the actress Amy Wieczorek. A light that emanates from within her Being shines through and colors all the work that she brings to the stage. Her work as Eleanor Roosevelt is no exception. Book this show now. You can thank me later.”
Wendy Hammers, CEO Tasty Words Production
Following a thorough consultation with Communication Consultant and Actress, Amy Wieczorek, Keynotes are adapted and customized to reflect the current challenges and aspirations of your organization. Their relevance and potency are assured.
Triumph Over Trials and Tribulations ~ Mrs. Roosevelt reminds us to tap into the power within us that is greater than any circumstance, situation or condition we may face..
Facing the Fear of Scrutiny - How to face incessant fear and scrutiny and live with conviction and confidence.
Transcending Tragedy - Death, Illness, Betrayal, Abuse - How to find the will to endure, the courage to press on and the determination to flourish!
As Leaders, how do we create a thriving culture that has lasting impact?
Leading Through Change
Leveraging Diversity Through Inclusion
Conversational Intelligence
The Power of Persuasion
Building Resilient Teams
Mrs. Roosevelt's interview following her appearance in "Making HerStory 2019"
“She would rather light candles than curse the darkness....Eleanor Roosevelt embodied the vision and the will to achieve a world in which all could walk in peace and dignity.” — Adlai Stevenson
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